Waarom onderste knoop gilet open?

Why open button waistcoat open?

The waistcoat, a timeless piece of men's clothing that exudes both class and refinement. But even with this classic garment, there is one unwritten rule that many wonder: why do we leave the bottom button open? Let's unravel this fashionable riddle.

1. A Dive into History:

The tradition of leaving the bottom button open dates back to the early 20th century. There are several theories, but one popular anecdote points to King Edward VII of England.

Historical fact:

King Edward VII had the habit of leaving his bottom button open due to his increasing waist size. What started as a necessity quickly became a fashion trend at court, and as with many royal trends, it quickly spread to the general population.

2. Practical Considerations:

Aside from historical reasons, leaving the bottom knot open also has practical benefits. It makes sitting more comfortable and prevents the waistcoat from stretching or deforming.

Style tip:

When standing, leaving the bottom button open helps maintain a streamlined shape, making the waistcoat look more flattering.

3. Fashion and Tradition:

In the world of men's fashion, there are many rules that have evolved over time. Leaving the bottom button open is a subtle nod to tradition, a sign that the wearer has knowledge of classic menswear etiquette.

Style tip:

Although it is a tradition, it is also important to feel comfortable in your clothes. If you feel better with all the buttons buttoned up, go for it! After all, fashion is also about personal expression.

4. The Modern Waistcoat:

While the waistcoat has its roots in history, it has seen modern interpretations. From different fabrics and patterns to the way it is worn in contemporary outfits, the waistcoat continues to evolve.

Style tip:

Try pairing a vintage waistcoat with modern pieces, such as a slim-fit shirt or skinny jeans, for a contemporary look that still gives a nod to the past.

5. Other Unspoken Fashion Rules:

The waistcoat is not the only item of clothing with unwritten rules. Think about matching your shoes with your belt, or avoiding brown shoes with a black suit. These rules, although sometimes seen as old-fashioned, structure the world of men's fashion and make it all the more interesting.

Style tip:

Learn the rules so you know when to break them. Sometimes it's breaking the rules that makes an outfit unforgettable.

6. The Psychology of Fashion:

It may seem trivial, but the way we dress, and even the smallest details like leaving a button open, can say a lot about our personality and how we want to be perceived. Following traditional fashion etiquette can indicate respect for tradition, attention to detail or even a desire for social acceptance.

Profound Thought:

Clothing is often an outward reflection of our inner self. It's a way to communicate without words, and every detail, no matter how small, contributes to that story.

7. The Waistcoat in Popular Culture:

From Hollywood films to iconic rock stars, the waistcoat has always had a place in popular culture. And yes, many of these celebrities keep that bottom button open too!

Pop Culture Fact:

Think of figures like Johnny Depp or Ryan Gosling rocking the waistcoat on the big screen. Their style choices, including the open bottom button, are often imitated by their admirers worldwide.

8. Tips for Buying a Waistcoat:

If you're considering adding a waistcoat to your wardrobe, here are some tips:

  • Material: Look for high-quality materials such as wool or silk for a luxurious look.
  • Fit: Make sure the waistcoat fits properly, not too tight and not too loose.
  • Style: Consider different styles, from double-breasted to single, to see what suits you best.

Style tip:

A vintage waistcoat may have unique patterns or stitching that you won't find in modern garments. It's a great way to make your outfit stand out from the rest.


The waistcoat, with its rich history and enduring presence in men's fashion, remains a subject of fascination. Whether you choose to follow the unwritten rule of the bottom button or choose your own path, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and confident in your clothes.

For those looking for a waistcoat with a story, we invite you to our collection second hand and vintage waistcoats to discover. Visit us in Tilburg or browse our webshop to find that one perfect piece that completes your style.


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