Kun je een gilet open dragen

Can you wear a waistcoat open?

The waistcoat, a versatile item that can form both the core of formal clothing and the relaxed charm of casual outfits, is often the center of fashion discussion. Many wonder: "Can I wear a waistcoat open?" The short answer is yes, but as with all fashion questions, it depends on the context and the way you wear it. Let's dive into the art of wearing a waistcoat and how you can transform this classic garment into a statement of personal style.

The versatility of the waistcoat

The waistcoat, originally intended as part of the three -part suit, has taken a long way since its formal origin. Nowadays we see Gilets in a variety of styles, from sleek and formal to relaxed and casual. This garment is an excellent way to add depth and interest to your outfit, regardless of whether you wear it open or closed.

When wearing a waistcoat?

On casual occasions

Wearing a waistcoat is perfect for casual events. It adds a layer of refinement without appearing overly formal. Combine your open waistcoat with a well-fitting T-shirt or a casual shirt for an effortless stylish look. This is a fantastic way to experiment with textures and layers in your outfit.

In a formal setting

Although it is traditionally common to wear your waistcoat closed on formal occasions, the open wearing of a waistcoat in some semi-formal settings can give a modern and accessible touch to your ensemble. Make sure that the rest of your outfit (such as a sharp suit and a stylish shirt) continues to play the leading role.

Styling tips for open wearing a waistcoat

  • Choose the right waistcoat: For an open look, go for Gilets with an interesting lining, unique buttons or striking stitching. Vintage and second -hand Gilets often offer these unique details.
  • Note the fit: Make sure your waistcoat fits well. A too spacious waistcoat may seem sloppy, while a too tight waistcoat is uncomfortable and does not fall nicely when it is worn open.
  • Play with contrasts: Combine a casual waistcoat with formal elements or vice versa for a striking look. Think of a tweed waistcoat with a smooth shirt or a silk waistcoat over a rough, cotton t-shirt.
  • Accessories are your friends: An open waistcoat offers the perfect opportunity to play with accessories such as watches, bracelets and even handkerchiefs.

A surprising fact

Did you know that the waistcoat was originally introduced by King Charles II of England in the 17th century as part of the court clothing? It became a symbol of elegance and refinement. The versatility of the waistcoat, from then to now, proves its timeless attraction.


Whether you choose to open your waistcoat in a casual setting or as a twist to your formal clothing, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and stay true to your personal style. With the right styling, wearing a waistcoat can enrich your look and add an interesting dimension to your outfit.

Looking for that perfect Vintage or second -hand waistcoat To enrich your wardrobe? Visit our store in Tilburg or discover our collection online. With an extensive selection of unique Gilets, you will undoubtedly find a piece that takes your personal style to a higher level. Be inspired by the history and craftsmanship of every waistcoat and get ready to show the world your unique style.

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